Children's Class

In a world where bullying has unfortunately become almost commonplace, children need a safe haven where they can find stability, develop self-confidence, and cultivate their inner and outer strength.

Kiryoku Dojo offers exactly that: Okinawan Kempo Karate-class for children that goes far beyond just self-defense. Our focus is on individual development and positive reinforcement. We reject uniformity and a militaristic tone. In a positive and respectful atmosphere, we support each child in reaching their full potential.

The founder of the dojo, Dominik Lübben, knows from his own experience how important it is to be strong and self-confident on the inside and to be able to show it on the outside. As a child confronted with bullying, he found not only a way out in Okinawan Kempo Karate, but also a way to develop personal strength and self-confidence and to defend himself against the bullies. This experience shapes our children's karate training at Kiryoku Dojo. Because of this focus, our priority is not the sport itself, but rather personality development.

It's our goal to help children:

  • to defend themselves,
  • to develop self-confidence and inner strength,
  • to focus,
  • to be disciplined and respectful,
  • to improve their coordination

The three pillars of our children's class:

Basic techniques (Kihon)

Forms (Kata)

Partner exercises

Why Kiryoku Dojo is the Right Place for Your Child:

We practice Okinawan Kempo Karate, a practical, effective karate that is specifically designed for real-world situations. Our focus is not on sport, but on personality development. We want children to learn to defend themselves, but even more importantly, we want them to develop self-confidence and inner strength.

What Your Child Will Learn From Us:

Coordination and Fitness: Karate improves not only fitness but also coordination. Good body control helps your child in everyday life and supports healthy physical development.

Safety: In addition to self-defense techniques, we also teach how to safely absorb falls. So your child is not only protected in conflict situations, but also in everyday life.

Discipline and Respect: Values ​​such as discipline and respect are central to our training. We help children set goals and achieve them, which gives them a strong foundation for all areas of life.

Self-assertion: We know that school and life can sometimes be tough. That's why we place great emphasis on teaching children how to stand up for themselves. Kiryoku Dojo "The Dojo of Inner Strength" equips your child with the inner strength they need to stand up to bullies and improve their overall self-confidence.

Focus: Karate challenges and promotes focus. By learning complex movement sequences, we sharpen your child's mental focus, which can have a positive impact on their school performance.

We cordially invite you ...

to visit Kiryoku Dojo together with your child and discover how we can help your child become a strong, confident person. Let us walk the path together that will lead your child to a successful future.

Schedule a free and non-committal trial class for your child today!